
4th Day at Waicol

TODAY I had PEE in the first lesson and it was way too cold! Not only for me, the other girls were wearing sweaters too. Except a few guys were actually wearing short trousers and shirts, creepy!
And today there was a special event: I GOT MY FIRST HOMEWORK wuhu! It's really the first time in nz that i have homework! Its just reading a survival story for english class.
In the end i got Arts and I went to the teacher and asked him what we (the international students) are supposed to do and now we actually have something to do. We had to make a mind map with a theme that inspires us so we can start drawing a picture tomorrow. My theme is the human body. I thought of drawing faces, eyes and emotions. Young and old people and babys. But i think I might change my topic to Thoughts and like whats going on in your head. I think its interesting. However i found a new friend, his name is i don't know :D anyways he and ellen were talking about her home stay and she was like: where do you live? And he said: There blabla i didn't really understood. and than ellen asked again: so wether you go by foot or take the bus to school? and he answered: I DIRVE :D He has his own car :D i have a "friend" who has his own car hahaha!!! I think this is so cool, maybe one day when I am closer with him he picks me up for school hahahhaha! just kidding :)!

After school Madeline picked lily and me up to go and get Ian's birthday present. His birthday is coming up soon and they wanted t buy some movies and something from the pottery for him.
When we were at Warehouse for the movies I baught a biiiig Diary Chocolate <3 <3 <3 I love it!

TONIGHT lily and me will watch the second part of Harry Potter and the Goblin of fire :D We are at 1:34 or something..

And thats it for today.

Diary Milk <3 My absolutely favourite chocolate :)!

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