
3rd Week

Hello everybody.
Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Monday. School again. Im happy to go to school, i am meeting my friends there and classes are really easy. Im thinking of droping drama and taking outdoor education instead. Not sure yet :) 
My last week was awesome. Many interesting things happened. 

When the earthquake happened i was in science class and i was really excited. The boys kept doing there work and all the girls screamed and jumped under the tables. Me too but i didnt scream haha!
I saw the curtains moving, it was pretty cool.

It also was Ians Birthday. We celebrated it on Thursday. Lily and me backed a Microwave Brownie, it was soooo yummy!! Omg really! And we made pizza for all of us. Also very tasty! 

School is ok. I had to write a formal text on thursday for english. We had to pick a topic for example: Legalize cannabis and then we had to find 3 or more arguments to support our point of view, wether we want cannabis to be legalized or not. 
It actually was the first time i used my desk in my room :)
Pupils here dont really get much homework. If they have, they finish it in school or at the bus the next morning. Its really cool. At Tuesday and Friday i stayed longer after school, because i wanted to go to town with friends. We went shopping but didnt really buy anything. It was fun though. 

My art teacher mr Kocx is really...lets say he is not nice. I dont like him. He said to me: Paula i dont know how you do education in germany but you are not in germany anymore. You are in new zealand, and thats why you have to be open for everything and you need to try it the new zealand way. and in new zealand you do what the teacher says you must do. 

On Saturday I stayed over night at Shayla's. Her dad was picking me up in Carterton at 5:30pm and we drove somewhere. I have absolutley no idea. Shayla doesnt have neighbours. Her dad has 2000 sheeps and 6 dogs. It was really cool, but also lonely and quiet. We got dressed up and at 7pm her dad drove us to Sams birthday celebration. Sams really nice and friendly. She was my buddy when i had my first days at waicol. She also is in my english class. The night was cool. Her little brother alsways came and wanted to participate and then she called her mom to take him out again haha. It remembered me in Oskar :D 

Today is Sunday and tomorrow is school again. I have no homework, like always. Lily and me will propably watch a movie soon, because its raining..  

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