
5th day Waicol

Finally its Friday! I've been waiting for this day the whole week, haha! School was okay, Shayla and Olivia had a performance. They both were soo good, shayla dances while she spinned a plate on a stick. If you know what I mean. Livvi was really good to, I'm sorry i don't know how to call her performance. It was absolutley fabulous!! Today it was rainig. For the first time it was raining. Shayla, me, Livvi, Elli, Klaara, Jackie and some other girls spent the lunch break inside. Olivia Shayla and me also talked about our trip to Wellington on Saturday.
In Drama we read the script "Not even a sparrow" its a 7 people roll play. I am Susan and she is a newcomer to the gang. I will tell you more soon. 
After school Lily and me went home and ate macaroni, it was so good! We also ate chocolate and natchos. Haha we were so hungry, so incredible hungry :)!
After some more food for dinner, lily and me, we had so much power hahaha We started watching Harry Potter. After we finished we turned on Photo Booth and made funny pictures. Suddently Lily had the idea to listen to music, so we did. I started a video and so we danced for 2h in front of my Laptop. It was sooo funny!!! This whole dancing thing made me so tired, i fell asleep directly.

Art class: one girl is drawing this painting. I am so jealous! She is so good in painting and drawing.

Today lunch break inside.. Jackie and Elli hahaha

Shayla, Olivia, Elli, Jackie and girl i dont remember the name. They're watching the film of shaylas performance 3 hours before.

Olivia performing. She only made one mistake!!!

On our way back. Lilly and me alsways listening to music..

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