
!!! WEEKEND !!!

Finally its weekend, Saturday. I had to get up on 6am because Shayla and me met at 7:30am at the train station. Our train left on 7:50am. Way too early for a weekend! But it is the only train to go to Wellington on saturdays, so there was no other choice.
Olivia joined us at Carterton station. One and a half hour later we were finally in Wellington! We walked on the waterfront and I made plenty of photos. Shayla became hungry so we went to the food corner at the cinema. We ate and drank on this day: 3 scoops of ice cream, Cheeseburger, Sushi, Kebap, Ice tea citrus, Coca Cola, Ice tea Peacha and Smoothie Cews.. And that was only for me :D The ice cream was so good. All together we bought 10 scoops. The red: Wild Berry mix ice cream was the best, it made our tongs go darf red :D
We met Daniele on the food corner. We four went to the shopping mall. It was so funny. We tried on Ball dresses and funny sunglasses. We have been in a funny store. You could buy so many things you don't really need. Haha but it was funny. Olivia bought new tights and I bought nail polish in coral. I also bought a bracelet for Lily. I still feel bad that she wasn't with us. And the best thing I bought.... Damdamdam Body Shop, Body Milk that smells like grapefruit. OMG I love it!
We went to the underground market at the waterfront! It was so wonderful. They sold little watches as a neckless. Beautiful :D But so expensive :(
We also did a little bit sightseeing. Shayla showed me the most creepy elevators i have ever seen :D Starwars elevators.

Later this day I met Salome :) I was so happy to talk a bit German again. I was so happy to see her again. She walked around with me and my Kiwi friends and then we splitted again because Flora, her hostsister wanted to meet her friends.  So Shayla, Olivia, Daniele and me went to the big museum. Hahaha it was so fun! There was a big heart for kids. You could craw in there and sit down. Shayla said something and it became to the : sentence of the day. While we were sitting in this heart shayla said: You all have a place in my heart! HAHAHHA. You understand? :D

After about 2 hours it sarted to get boring. So i texted salome again and she said she is with moritz at the food corner. So me and my Kiwi friends went again to the food corner to meet my friends from germany. Really complicated.  In the end i met Moritz and Salome again and so we went together to the akrakadabra Kebap, the best kebap in wellington. And it really was!
We finished our dinner and Shayla and Olivia said good bye to Daniele. We three went to the Trainstation and drove home again. At the Wellington train station we suddently met Elli and her brother.  The way back home we ate smoothie cews and answered the question of the day on each paper. The day was beautiful but also very exhausting. I am looking forward to do it again :))

Love you Shayla and Olivia and Elli. Thank you so much for adopting me as an international student who is completely disoriented :D

Wellington next: We were so happy when this sign appeared :)
Olivia and Shayla are so in love with my yellow hat :D

Livvi and Shayla tried to look like a model ...:D
Little watches..so beautiful but so expensive. 

After eating ice cream shaylas toung was dark red :O
 Olivia in Maori clothes hahah
 Livvi Shayla Daniele and me in the great national museum in wellington. 
 Me in front of the best elevator of all time
Shayla in front of the best elevators of all time. 

 Trying on ball dresses :D Practising for next year.. 

Beautiful Shayla with the best sunglasses I have ever seen 8)

Dinner: Kebap for Livvi, Shayla, Moritz, Salome, Daniele and me

Wellington waterfront <3

Olivia and Don  :D

Way back to Masterton in the train. Training the duckface hahah

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