
2nd week

I decided to not do one post every day. its too much work and the wireless is not that fast. its difficult to upload photos and stuff. so heres my week:

School is always funny. I have the wireless school password now, so its more funny because here in new zealand snap chat (its an app for my mobile) is very popular here. We snapchat all the time and its so funny. Interval and Lunch are really cool cause me and my friends have our places to go. Sometimes we sit "around the corner" in the science room, or at the spot. The spot is a gras spot in the village.
It always fun to go to school and even when its hard to get up in the morning i always enjoy every day.

I painted shaylas ear on Monday. She considered having a tattoo on her ear like this, so i painted her one that she can see how it would look like :) she dont want to do it anymore hahaha

In art Ellen and me have to do something now. Mr Kokx gave us work to do. So drew a face of a woman. Its okay i think, but the rest of the class is sooo good in drawing you feel like a little piece of s*** :))

Lily and me also went riding this week, for the first time. And it wasnt really riding. I rode for 3minutes and it was so bad, because the horse i rode normally rides western style and im riding english style.

I have a friend called Ruby, she is from new zealand and i have a friend from Germany called Louisa. The funny thing is, they look alike. Its so funny, i saw ruby and thought: thats louisa, whats she doing here???! Anyways I showed her and my other friends a photo of louisa and we all think they are silent siblings :)

On the weekend there were friends from madeleine from hong kong coming to our place for two nights. Father mother son and a little daughter. So sweet, Olive and sam are the kids. They are so lovely!
We went to a kiwi-house.  The kiwi is the national new zealand bird. You can only see it in new zealand so it was really interesting to go there. I saw a white one and a brown one. We also feed the birds and one bird bit me in the finger. It actually really hurts :s
On sunday madeleine had her birthday. so we celebrated. There was cake and cupcakes and many presents. At night we played a drama game, called freeze tag. One person has to go out of the room. the others have to make up a story. For example: Everybody is drunk and one is not and he tries to help the drunk people. Than theres one person who can say freeze! when a story is getting interested or boring. After he said freeze the person who went out at the beginning has to come in and can chose one person he or she wants to replace. The person who gets replaced has to go outside then and so on. It was so funny :)!!

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