
Athletics Day

Hey guys, im so so so sorry that I haven’t been active a lot in the past.. 3 weeks but I just never find time to upload the photos or write the texts and also the wifi is so slowe and it takes up about 90% of the time to wait for photos to upload…
I want to try being more reliable on my posts and maybe post something small at least three or two times a week. Might just be a photo or a text, not much but at least its more constant if you know what I mean J

In the past weeks school was alright, we didn’t do a lot to be honest but I don’t really take academic classes where you have to study and do homework so therefore I can’t complain! On the 20th February we had a big event at school aka


Yay athletics.. so it practically is a day where no one has school, everyone dresses up in their house colours and selected students participate in the actual athletics trying to get placed to go to inter collegiate athletic events.
You have the prelims about two weeks before the actual event.
Every student (senior student which means yr. 11 to yr. 13) is in their houses and completes at least one throwing task, one running task and a jump. There is discus, shot-put, 100m, 200m, 400m and long jump as well as on another day after school 800m and 1500m and high jump.
When you qualify for one or more sports your name will be on the notices and you have to participate in the main event which is about two weeks later.
On the actual day everyone dresses up in their house colour to support their house and most people participate and therefore have to wear Pe-uniform and are not aloud to dress up. We wore face paint in our colour though J
The day starts at 9 and finishes around 2.
I personally qualified for long jump and 100m and was one of the only participants from my house: Aorangi

The houses and their colours are:
Puketoi - yellow
Remutaka – purple
Rangitumau  - orange
Maungarake - red
Aorangi - blue
Tararua - green

Our house didnt do really well in the athletics but apparently we are better in other competitions like house singing etc.

 well we had a beautiful day anyway and lots of fun with friends and teachers (:
Tararua house (green)
Maungarake house (red) 
Aorangi, my house :) 
me and kaitlin <3
cael in house colour blue :)
lily in purple - rangitumau
other lily in green - tararua
eden seraphine and cassidy in red - maungarake
and me in blue for aorangi :) FACEPAINT! 
from the left, Justine Israel in yellow for winner house Puketoi :)
Lucy and her brother Ed in green for tararua!
me doing a jump hahah my hair :')
Steph-Remutaka and Kaitlin-Rangitumau 
meee haha facepaint :)

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