

Hello there!
This post is really exciting
I think you don’t really know how exciting it is
It is  …

In the past month I went on two outdoor education trips and they were..
Whoever goes to new Zealand or Australia I strongly advice to do outdoor education because it is the best way to see new zealands native bush and landscape.
It is an experience for itself and you learn teamwork motivation and all other kinds of how to live in the woods, how to treat it and what to do and not to do.

“Take only photos leave only footprints”
“Take out what you take in”

The first trip was to totara flats and the second one to mitre flats.
We had so much fun and I became some good friends with people I never talked to before which was nice and also I now have a  lot of memories to take home.
It wasn’t only easy, we still had to do quite a lot of work, fitness was required since we walked down and uphill with a 12kg pack on our backs which was not very easy.
Also we climbed Mitre peak which was an amazing experience and I have to be honest I did not believe I could do it but im happy I pushed myself through.
We had some good as times and the food wasn’t even that bad haha dehydrated food and I only had to add warm water and tadaa a delicious meal with meat, vegetables and carbohydrates was ready J
The weather at the trips was really different. The first one was really bad, it was raining all the time and we were tenting at the first day and everything got wet, outside and inside. The second night on the first tramp we decided to stay in totara hut and had a nice warm fire and mattresses.
The second tramp was sunny but also a bit windy and even more windy and rainy at night. We tented both nights but I didn’t mind because I had a warm sleeping bag and warm hunting clothes J 

I don't know, generally i hate myself for not doing this class last year (apart from the fact that i wasnt old enough) but it is so so funny, like, wow. everyone should of done it at least once. Of course there are times when you think in class, this is so boring only doing preparation and work i want to go outside and go tramping, but well you kind of have to do all that work and prep before you go tramping, otherwise you wont have a clue where you go haha!!

Well guys look at this photos and you know what im talking about!

Tararuas. Second tramp. on the way back from mitre flats to Whaogine gorge. (or so) 

Taken from my house: Mitre peak is the one in the middle that looks like a Vulcan. We climbed to the bush line of that mountain in one day!!! 
the boys on the second tramp. taken on the way down from mitre peak

us girls on the way down from mitre peak, second tramp. 
two teachers. responsible for a bunch of teenagers on tramp two.
lunch break on the last day of tramp two. on our way home
Tararua forest park, where we started our second tramp to Mitre flats 
Inside Mitre Flats where we stayed for two nights. Its really cosy and has a fire, table, kitchen and two massive beds.

up mitre peak bush line..to windy and rainy to continue walking unfortunately :(
on the way home from mitre flats over a swing bridge.


Just a couple photos of the first tramp, the weather was really bad so i didnt feel the need to take a lot of rainy photos. But the orange triangle generally shows you where to go and the other photos are showing how the boys were creative and build a tent over our 'kitchen table' where we ate out dinner and breakfast. :)

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