

yeah g this is only like couple of photos of me in my holidays just chilling around in my friends onesie having a gem time.
yeah nothing important nothing special just a little bit of life from new zealand haha :)
me and my sister or cat or whatever hahah have fun guysss

Im not a person of big words just saying <3 <3 <3

at the river with lily madeleine and my family from germany

billy my horse and me, lily took photos of me and i took photos of her and jasper

bob and me

lily and me

lily and me


hahahahahha kaitlin justine and delaney 

kaitlin and me baked and dipped the muffins in chocolate yummy

kaitlins baby kitty is soooo cute 

seraphine at the river 

kaitlin selfies haha

israel seraphine cassidy and me having a good time in the fountain in front of the town hall.
someone put dishwasher liquid in it so it was all bubbley and stuff haha

lily is happy haha

also we bought a range rover really cool and spacey 

we took the horses for a ride at the beach it was v v cool


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