

So because i know how happy my mother and father will be if they can read lots and lots of new stuff on my blog, im gonna make another entry hahaha im amazing i know. 

First day in queenstown:

So after we left Lake Tekapo around 9 ish we had another 6 hours on the bus. YEY BUS DRIVING IS SO AMAZING AND ENTERTAINING I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!, Not.
Anyways the bus drive was boring as usual. and it was raining like all the time which was pretty annoying .. 
So we were on our way to queenstown and then they thought it might be a good idea to make a small stop and look at something, walk around go to the toilet. But hell no, the stop was at the Kawarau Bungy Bridge where i was supposed to jump the next day and i was so afraid. Omg like actually i didnt want to get off the bus because i didnt want to see how high it was and all this kind of stuff. In the end i did go off and it was the wrong idea... 
Back in the bus i was so afraid of the next day but i was distraced by my friends and the fact that we arrived in queenstown 20 minutes later. 

It was still raining as we arrived and so we spend most of the time inside. I went to another extra activity which was the shot over jet. a realllyyy fast boat which can drive in water that is only 5 to 10cm deep. amazing and really fast. it wasnt worth the money though but it was much fun :)
 well as we came back we hung in our room until we went to the SKYLINE GONDOLA RIDE! We went on this ride up to the mountain to see a real Kiwi Haka Performance and then after that to have a really nice Kiwi Dinner!! 
So we were really excited. And luckily the weather was better at this time so we took so beautiful pictures up on the mountain. I will show you some. 
After that we watched the Haka Performance which was great. and funny because they taught us some stuff and how to dance and stuff :) 

BUT after that the most amazing part of the night came. The diiiiinnneeeeer. 
I love food. hahah. I grained 15kg since im here by the way. Sorry mum ... I dont fit my shorts anymore hahahah oops. Will do some more sport soon heheheh. 

Anyways we had this amazing dinner and there was so much to eat. i forgot to take photos im sorry but it was just...amazing and so so so tasty. They had chicken, pork, lamb and caesar salad... and oh yeah so many fruits and sea food.. and then like turkish nudles and stuff and it was just so amazing!!
For desert we had like 10 different cakes and puddings and uuugh so tasty and we spend like 3 hours in this restaurant eating and talking hahahaha :) 

Coming back home then was really nice, we took a shower which was cold!!! ANd then went to bed.. 

Second day in queens town:

Okay today i woke up early. took a shower and got ready for my BUNGY JUMP!!! 
I was still a bit afraid..So Jannis, Annika, Julia, Phillip and me got on the bus to drive to the Kawarau Bridge.. We didnt talk the whole time, everybody was thinking of what happens next.. 
So as we arrived at the bridge they checked our weight and mine was 72... yeah 7kg more than in hamburg before i left. So they wrote numbers on our hands and then send us off to the bridge to get our gear.  Okay in the end i was really scared but i jumped and it was amazing !! Im happy i did it and blablabla

The next days we were enjoying our time in queenstown. It was sunny and we went shopping, tot he beach and for a 2 hours walk through the town. It was beautiful. I went horse riding and the landscape was amazing, unfortunately i had all my photos from the riding on my iphone which broke, so i can’t show you any photos L
Queenstown was amazing and i would say it’s a town you definately have to visit when you come to new zealand because it offers all the adrenaline and exciting activity as skydiving, bungy jumping and canyon swing.

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