

Okay, kaikoura was the worse ever. It was raining all the time. we didnt see anything and we didn't do anything either. It was pretty much sitting in the hostel for two days playing cards, and sleeping. it was so boring, BUT they had a swimming pool and a sauna. So at night we always went swimming. (the only positive thing tho) We visited a sheep shearing show once which was really impressive but that's it hahahahhahhahahahha yeaaaah. 

I got better friends with some people tho. We had a nice time, but to be honest there is nothing to talk about. nothing exciting happened or anything which is worth writing about.
Well. it was our last stop so it was alright, after two days we got back to nelson and on the plain to wellington.

ALL TOGETHER the south island trip as worth the money and the effort of waking up every morning around 7am and getting up and doing all the activities. I am glad my parents signed me in for this tour and i'll definitely make the north island tour another time.
I had such a nice adventure and i experienced so much stuff . I met friends and i've seen so many places. More than friends of mine who lived in nz for their whole lives.

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