
1st Day at Waicol


I did met some awesome persons. Paige, shes in my PPE class. Sheyla and Ruby, they are in my Maths and Science class, as well as Olivia and Jackie.
The school is so big and spread out, because of the earthquakes. you have to go like 5minutes to your classrooms haha! I have English, Maths, Science and Drama, Arts and Practical PE. The last three plus Maths are really fun.. :D School here is fun at all. It's really relaxed, it feels like they don't do anything during school. But of course they do, just in another way than I am used to it. In Germany the school is very stressed, people are busy and teachers are strict, but here at Waicol everything is more relaxed and more friendly. More soon...

 Carterton Day 1: Got my Uniform.. Its a bit wired because I've never wore a uniform before, but i like it. You don't get up in the morning and have to think of what you goning to wear today! I just have to learn how to tie a tie :D
 Carterton First school day:  Wainting for the bus with a gorgeos view. Going to school by bus is really funny. You meet people you know, or not know. t takes about half an hour but its okay. I have to change the bus once.

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