
3rd day at Waicol

Well, today was the 3rd day at wairarapa college ant I am already enjoying the time here. School is so relaxed and I found friends. Shayla, Ruby, Elli, Olivia, Paige and McTaylor (I don't know how to write her name (:  ) They are all so friendly. 
My classes onWednesday are Science, and they are doing a theme I had about 1 or 2 years ago haha :D, Practical PE and we played a Rugby Soccer Volleyball game..It's a mixture of all three of these sports. after that I had Maths Studys and we did nothing.. (like always) and right after maths we had Drama and Klara and me, we saw a short play about something really depressing... In the end I had English for the first time at Waicol and they were writing an essay..Sooo boring for me. In stead of writing one too I made a list for Shayla with "bad words" in German. Bad words like shit, fuck and slut.. To the very end someone just throw a paper ball at me and I was like: You missed the bin ._. and I gave it to Shayla and she "opened" it and there was a note (no Idea if it was for me or for someone else). This note said: Phone me (any number) xoxo!
Shayla was laughing quit a lot although i told her to stop and keep doing her essay. It was so embarrassing!! We two wonder if it was a hot or a not hot guy :P 

3rd day at Wairarapa College: Always frostie in the mooring. It's too cold for me..I used to have summer know :(!! 

Lily and me waiting in the libary until the school starts. Wednesday is a confusing day. School starts at 9:30am and goes to 3:15pm. The lessons are 45minutes instead of 50minutes and there's no SSR. 

Shayla got lots of fun while we waited in the library :D This is only one of 100 photos i took :p!!!

This is my timetable and it might changes during the next weeks, because they said I should just go and see if I enjoy my classes and if they are on the right level.


2nd day at Waicol

Today school was okay. Nothing really interesting... Just school you know :)
I took some photos from our way back home. They are not really interesting hahah.!

Walking from "the corner right over there" at home..
Both very exhausted after school, Lily was really hungry and I just needed to drink my daily tea hahah, I am becoming a real tea fan :D!

Lily in the bus on our way home. She was like: Oh you take photos? Because i don't want to look so retorted and I said: NOOO of corse not hahha Well i lied hehehe

After school colored bob visited us on the paddock while Lily was doing all the horse stuff... She (BOB) was really afraid of the neighbors dogs.. 

Jasper really unmotivated and relaxed haha. Such a bad model :D! 

Lily rides on Jasper. I think they two fit perfectly together. As you can see, it's winter over here in NZ but the sky is blue and the sun is shining :D It's really warm when the sun comes up! 


Missing Jeremy and Sus ! Missing my friends, Salome, Mattes, Max, Moritz and Sina. Hmm, want to go back to Nelson !!

1st Day at Waicol


I did met some awesome persons. Paige, shes in my PPE class. Sheyla and Ruby, they are in my Maths and Science class, as well as Olivia and Jackie.
The school is so big and spread out, because of the earthquakes. you have to go like 5minutes to your classrooms haha! I have English, Maths, Science and Drama, Arts and Practical PE. The last three plus Maths are really fun.. :D School here is fun at all. It's really relaxed, it feels like they don't do anything during school. But of course they do, just in another way than I am used to it. In Germany the school is very stressed, people are busy and teachers are strict, but here at Waicol everything is more relaxed and more friendly. More soon...

 Carterton Day 1: Got my Uniform.. Its a bit wired because I've never wore a uniform before, but i like it. You don't get up in the morning and have to think of what you goning to wear today! I just have to learn how to tie a tie :D
 Carterton First school day:  Wainting for the bus with a gorgeos view. Going to school by bus is really funny. You meet people you know, or not know. t takes about half an hour but its okay. I have to change the bus once.


Coming to the final Homestay family. The Savilles are really cool. they have a big, beautiful house! And also such a great view at the mountains!
I moved in my own room, its lovely.! Have to pack my things out soon.
Don't wanna haha!

Market in Nelson with Salome

 Third day in Nelson: Jeremy took Salome and me to the market. It was so cool. We bought warm House shoes. I love them!! And we bought a new sweater each. They are so warm and fluffy and everything! Salome got a present for her boysfrined's 18th birthday its really cool. It's an oldtimer made out of coca cola tins..
 It is a motorbike made out of coca cola tins. So cool, I've never seen any of this before!
Sexy hexy Salome with beautiful sunglasses hahahah! This morning was so funny, I am so glad we had it before we went to wellington. I bought two little bracelets for salome and me as kind of a friendship bracelet.


We are so beautiful !! Everybody is kinda retarted :D You can't see Max' face. Moritz looks wired, Sina is still on the ground with her feet, Salome is perfect haha, I just didn't do anything and Marie is again down. Omg I hate doing this kind of photos..
First Day in nelson: At the Beach (f.l.t.r.) Tobias, Max, Moritz, Mattes, Sina, Salome, Paula(Me), Marie


 Beautiful view from Jeremy's and Sus' home.. Nelson, Beach, Mountains, Ocean (daylight)
 Second day in Nelson. We had the most beautiful view in the world ! Sunset <3
 First day in Nelson: Sun is shining all the time! Although its winter here! It's about 18 degrees but still too cold for poor little me and salome :(
First day in Nelson: Salome & Me went to the beach. 10minutes to walk. So beautiful and so warm for that season !!


Just said goodbye to my mother. Wondering how it will be without her. no one who is annoying me all the time. Love her