
The perks of being an international student x

Heaps of people I met during my stay in NZ, but also before I left Germany say, it's hard to leave your "old home" and family and loved ones behind, to go live in a totally different and new country on the other side of the world. But to be honest, and I know what I'm talking about, it is even harder to be yanked out of your new old life, the life with all the people and the new family and new surroundings that you've just gotten used to, only to go back to Germany. It's like being ripped in half. While eventually my body must go back to Germany, finish school and stuff, my heart and soul will forever be drawn to NZ and all the amazing people I got to meet. I love all my new old friends so dearly and I've spent the best year with those people.
I promise I'll come back - come back for everybody's wedding, for mc donalds runs and for the monthly shopping trips to Wellington. For the gem stones, for GNOs, for new years at Riversdale and for my (host) family obviously.

Wairarapa College was THE BEST DECISION I could have ever made in my life when it comes to schools. Not only was it a totally different experience to my school in Germany (Uniforms, subjects and timetable etc), but also I had the advantage of being thrown into a new life, new culture, new language, new everything, WITHOUT a "German buddy" (aka. other German exchange students). While I bet it's nice to have someone to talk to, especially in the beginning when everything is plain new, it will only restrict you from the possibilities you have. People end up hanging around only with other exchange students, what eventually prohibits them from actually learning the language and getting to know new people.
So do yourself (and your parents who are paying for you to learn English in NZ) a favor and DO NOT HANG OUT WITH OTHER INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS! Make your own memories and experiences and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
I myself had to "describe" the words I was looking for in the beginning. My sentences would constantly be interrupted by me trying to explain the word I was looking for. But people didn't mind. They helped me with words and expressions and after a while everything was easier.

I love you all guys xxx

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