
timetable swaggity

maybe some new people today because study nelson asked me if i wanted to be a buddy and yeeeh i gave them the link to this  blog so this is like a win win situation because that means i get more popular hahahahhaha no jokes, but it means that i haaaavvvveee to try be more regular with my updates ha.
win - win situation everybody

anyway so since this is sort of my new zealand diary and ill be looking back at this one day and show my kids and friends i thought i put some 'general information' online.

this is my new zealand timetable
it looks very colorful and nice and like i randomly colored the different boxes in colors but it actually is a quite clever system the schools in new zealand here have.

so one color represents one subject.
every student has six different subjects.
one day has 5 subjects, two breaks and two times form time ill explain what that is later.
The subjects are systematically ordered in a two weeks circle (10 days)
one period is 55min long.
We have two periods in the morning then Interval (20min break); then two more periods and then Lunch for 50min and one period in the afternoon.

I ALWAYS have the green subject (media studies) after the pink subject (sport studies) that NEVER changes! Each day all the subjects just move one slot up but the general structure of the day stays the same. So on DAY 1 i have: Period 1 Photography and Period 2 Drama Period 3 OutdoorEd etc. on DAY 2 everything moves up one slot, so its: Period 1 Drama Period 2 OutdoorEd and Period 3 Sportstudies. I dont have Photography on that day because i had it first period on the day before. On day three ill have it last and i wont have drama etc.

Everyday except Wednesday is structured the same as you can see on the photo below.
Wednesdays are special because (my school) has a late start. School starts one period later and the whole day is different but dont worry about that unless you go to Wairarapa College :)

DO you get it?

The whole school including teachers and students is divided into 6 houses (like harry potter)
every house has a special color.
every house is divided again into several Group classes.
Every group class has one teacher and some students from year 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 mixed.
in our school the house names are mountains in the wairarapa the area where i live.
Aorangi - blue
Maungarake - red
Remutaka - orange
Rangitumau - purple
Puketoi - yellow
Tararua - green

The houses compete against each other in competitions like: singing, swimming, athletics etc. (look for the blog post athletics day)
So im in Aorangi and my Group class is AORBD (BD is my teacher) We meet every day after period 1 in the same classroom for a catch up and to hear the daily notices about whats going on in school, which teams play on the weekend or if we have a performance from the music department.
Group time goes for 20min
After lunch we meet again for silent significant reading, 15min long. you need to be completely quiet and read a book or magazine etc.

the whole year is divided into 4 terms.
the school year starts in January
between each term we have two weeks of holiday except between term 4 and term 1 we have 6 weeks summer holiday.
Final exams are in term 4 so if i was only going for half a year dont go term 3 and 4 because they will be doing exams and its boooooring.

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