

This post is a bit to late hehe but i was slightly busy during this time cause of cambridge exams, workbook and the actual performance hehe.

Anyway this post is about my dance performance: When the poet dreamt an angel
Its a performance together with acting and its about a family and the mothers best friend. The mother of the family dies in a car crash and its her best friends fault. As a punishment and because the father is really hurt, the best friend, Summer is not aloud to see the kids anymore.
The whole production is practically about the husband getting over the fact that his wife died
Kurz in deutsch:
Es geht darum dass er mit sich selbst den einklang findet und die tatsache akzeptiert dass seine frau tod ist. Außerdem durchleben beide, summer und der ehemann eine schreckliche und trostlose zeit.
In the end its a happy ending and everyone loves everyone.

Thats what the whole play is about.

I met some really cool friends while we had our rehearsals and im happy i participated in this production it was an experience ill never forget blablabla insert typical international experience speech here^^

Aislinn and me :)

 Crazy aislinn haha

 my sister lily and me <3

Bella, Sitty, Tom, Danica :) friends

DANICA BELLA AND AISLINN were hungry hahahha

 Tom and Sitty hahahahhahahahahah

Danica and Aislinn, cuties

Aislinn was bored hahahah

danica with glitter lips swag

aislinn and molly <3

Danica and me #duckface

me lol show make up . norries mum

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