

After we caught the bus on Monday morning, early morning! Like 6am we went on a trip for about 6 hours to Franz Josef. We made plenty of stops at some weird stone gardens haha. sorry but they were pretty and all this stuff but kinda weird to look at stones aye. (aye is new zealand slang and means, am i right). So we stopped at the Pancake stones and it was amazing. i didnt know there were stones actually looking like on pancake on top of another one and so on. it was really beautiful and the weather was okay so salome and me took plenty of photos.

The bus tour was pretty average. not bad but not good. it was okay. we had plenty of food and drinks and different card games. although it was really hard to play like Mau-Mau in a moving bus haha. I was sleeping about 4 hours and listening to music the other two hours.
Half way our Tour Guide Holger, we called him Holly but anyways, made an important announcement. We were not about to go to Franz Josef for two night, because the road we would have taken was blocked. There were several earth slides recently and they didnt want to take any risk. So instead of going to Franz Josef, making an amazing Glacier Walk and Glacier Helicopter flight, we went to Athur's pass.

Athur's Pass is so incredible small. We expected something small, but not that small. Like maybe a supermarket or a little, really tiny park to go and sit down on a bench or something, but NO nothing! Im actually not kidding, there was nothing! And if we ever found something where we could bu< food it was closed. So we stayed at our hostel the whole day and did pretty much nothing. I took a shower, started a fire in the lodge and then i was texting and we played more card games.
For dinner we had to cook something ourselves. Holger, Olger and Amy our tour guides bought stuff to make chilly concarne (dont know how to spell and i cant be bothered looking it up). So we spend about 3 hours trying to find out how to use the heater and how to cook our own dinner. in the end it was alright and we all went to bed pretty early because we had to get up at 6am the next morning to go for another 4 hours bus drive yey!

I didnt take many pictured at Athur's pass. There was literally nothing to take a picture off. so i just charged my camera for lake tekapo the next day and took some photos with my phone which is unfortunately broken now so i cant show you any pictures from athur's pass :( sorry g.

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