

Felix, Jakob and Fenna and Rike on their way to the lake lol
 Jakob and his best mate felix keen to go swimming, nope
 Jakob and Felix lil pussy and Jannis, he already went swimming meh
 From the bus, amazing, beautiful cant describe it blablabla
 First thing we saw as we arrived..
 von links nach rechts haha deutsch :) Salome, Ich, Phillip, Fenna, Jannis, Rike und Jakob
 Salome and me.


Sooo hey ho, whats up. I hope you are as great as me.
Well i will put the photos online one day after i updated the story hehe. so you have osmething to look forward to. And Mutti: <stop writing me emails about my blog being nice and that you want the photos :)) grummel...grummel...grummel....seufzt...grummel...hust :))))

Well anyways. After we left athurs pass around 7am we went for another 4h bus drive until we reached Lake Tekapo. On the way i slept like the whole time. and then they woke me up asking what i want for dinner. ACTUALLY, I hate it!!

As we arrived at lake tekapo we were asked to change our shirts and put the NZ Direct Tour shirt on we just got from Olga and Amy. Well so we did and then we met down at the lake 30min later.
Most of us quickly put our shirt on the suitcases in our rooms and went to the lake.
The lake was amazing. so beautiful. The water was ice cold but light blue turkeys!! I cant even describe you will see it on the photos anyways. It was wonderful. We took hundreds of photos. On one photo you could see the mountains, forest, the lake, sky and the stone beach. on one photo!!!

After that we went to eat dinner...some burgers. They actually were really good and the restaurant had a beautiful view at the lake and the mountains. so the dinner was pretty average. it was okay but not special. Because lake tekapo wasnt on our plan but a short notice decision we didnt really have anything to do.

We went to the hot pools at night from 5 till 9pm and WOW THEY WERE MY HIGHLIGHT I GUESS!!! They were so cool, like actually im being serious. i do like swimming and stuff, but these hot pools are just amazing and hot and wow. you can sleep in them and they were 36, 38 and 40 Celsius hot. We spend our whole night there.

On our way back to the hostel there were four really stupid boys who had the great i dea to go swimming in the lake. haha it was soooo cold and they actually did it!! I cant imagine why they would do that, but anyways back to track.
It was dark you couldnt see anything and the stones really hurt when you go barefeet.
They totally regret it afterwards but haha well we told them not to do it and they wont listen to us..

So that prety much was what we did in lake tekapo. The rooms were incredibly small, too small for four people but at least it was just for one night.


the pancake rocks. every photo its me and salome :)) 



After we caught the bus on Monday morning, early morning! Like 6am we went on a trip for about 6 hours to Franz Josef. We made plenty of stops at some weird stone gardens haha. sorry but they were pretty and all this stuff but kinda weird to look at stones aye. (aye is new zealand slang and means, am i right). So we stopped at the Pancake stones and it was amazing. i didnt know there were stones actually looking like on pancake on top of another one and so on. it was really beautiful and the weather was okay so salome and me took plenty of photos.

The bus tour was pretty average. not bad but not good. it was okay. we had plenty of food and drinks and different card games. although it was really hard to play like Mau-Mau in a moving bus haha. I was sleeping about 4 hours and listening to music the other two hours.
Half way our Tour Guide Holger, we called him Holly but anyways, made an important announcement. We were not about to go to Franz Josef for two night, because the road we would have taken was blocked. There were several earth slides recently and they didnt want to take any risk. So instead of going to Franz Josef, making an amazing Glacier Walk and Glacier Helicopter flight, we went to Athur's pass.

Athur's Pass is so incredible small. We expected something small, but not that small. Like maybe a supermarket or a little, really tiny park to go and sit down on a bench or something, but NO nothing! Im actually not kidding, there was nothing! And if we ever found something where we could bu< food it was closed. So we stayed at our hostel the whole day and did pretty much nothing. I took a shower, started a fire in the lodge and then i was texting and we played more card games.
For dinner we had to cook something ourselves. Holger, Olger and Amy our tour guides bought stuff to make chilly concarne (dont know how to spell and i cant be bothered looking it up). So we spend about 3 hours trying to find out how to use the heater and how to cook our own dinner. in the end it was alright and we all went to bed pretty early because we had to get up at 6am the next morning to go for another 4 hours bus drive yey!

I didnt take many pictured at Athur's pass. There was literally nothing to take a picture off. so i just charged my camera for lake tekapo the next day and took some photos with my phone which is unfortunately broken now so i cant show you any pictures from athur's pass :( sorry g.



 The Paradis. You may know now what i was trying to explain to you. But its nearly impossible to explain something that beautiful!!

 Jakob and Fenna taking pictures.

 Me at the abel tasman beach :) 

 Ready to walk :)
 Our walk through the National Park. Amazing nature, flora and fauna. 

 Salome and me in the beginning of the walk. Still happy and smiling :) 
(Mutti see the shoes and the shirt :))  )
 View from the top.

 On our way to the top and then back down again. Looks comletley different from what we expected.

 One out of 6 bridges we crossed. In the back, Raphael he is in nz for only 3 months.
 Around the corner waits a whole new world.

 NZ's national tree.

 Salome and me. Really proud and exhausted after a 12km walk for 4 hours.

Love my dad <3 :) !!


Hello. long time no see.
Yes i know i havent blogged anything for ages. three weeks actually. Well i have an excuse. We had holidays and i went on a 12 days South Island Trip. It was really impressive, ive seen so many different places. We went to 6 different towns in two weeks. I met 24 amazing people and i had the three best tour guides ever.
Our timetable:
Nelson for two nights.
Athur's pass for one night.
Lake Tekapu for one night.
Queenstown for three nights.
Dunedin for three nights.
Kaikoura for two nights.

Ill do the different town on different days along this week. Ill start with nelson of course, so here is nelson for you :)

Last school day, lily and me quickly said good bye to all our friends and then we sprinted to madeleines  car. She was waiting for us with our suitcases and bag. We drove to the train sation and lily and me got changed in the car from school uniform to normal casual clothes. We catched the train straight after school to wellington. She, because she was going to meet her mother in Petone for one week, me, because i went to my friend Salome to stay the night at her house because we catched the plain on saturday morning. As i arrived Salome's host family picked me up and we had a nice lovely dinner and night at her house. The next day (Saturday) we woke up around 6am. we took a shower and ate breakfast. After that her hostmother dropped us at the wellington airport and we made our way to the plain. After just 20minutes we got off the plain again and we were in NELSON.

Antonia from Study Nelson was welcoming us and we got our suitcases and got on the bus to our hostel in Nelson, After we arrived there we met our tour guides and other students who were on the tour. We all became friends very fast. About 2 hours later Jakob, Annika, Paula and me were on our way to the ABEL TASMAN SKYDIVING OFFICE: We booked the extra activity Skydiving and it was right at the first day of the tour. We were really excited. It took us 1 hour to get there and on our way the guids were making fun about us being scared and about how skydiving is pretty decent and not special or dangerous. They said for example: So we are on our way to the skydive now, thats propably the most dangerous part of our journy. then you will quickly do a skydive and then we will drive back to town, thats another dangerous part today. And we were all laughing.
Arriving there we got more excited. We watched some movies, looked a t some photos. and then they introduced us to our guide. This guide was right behind us the whole jump and he was managing all the technic stuff with the parashoot yeah. I was really excited because i was one of the first people going up in the plain. BUT IN THE END IT WAS SO COOL!! back to track. we were in this reeaaaally small plain and i was the second to jump. i was so scared. toni my guide said, relax and close your eyes. I did and suddently i felt myself feeling really weird. i opened my eyes and BAM i was flying, well i was more falling than flying but i didnt realised that. It was a 60 seconds free fall and another 6/7 minuted flight until we landed on the ground. Toni showed me some places down there. He was like: thats the beach, thats the forest blablabl but i was busy realising that i just jumped off a plain in 13.000 ft high!! On our way back we were talking like the whole time and our adrenaline was on top. It dropped so fast again as we arrived at our hostel and we went straight to bed.

The next morning we had to get up at 6am because breakfast was at 6:30am. I was so tired but excited.
We all went to the Abel Tasman National Park. 12 people, screaming and talking, laughing and eating (including me) got off the bus and suddently we were quite. It was like we went to the paradis. A beach, blue water and some beautiful islands in the back.. it was amazing. we stood there for about 30minutes taking pictures of every little sandcorn in 1000 different perspectives. With and without people alone, together, running, standing everything.
Then 7 of us went to their extra activity: Kanueing trough the abel tasman. Salome me and raphael didnt book this activity, so we went for a walk with our tour guide olga. We though its going to be a pretty easy walk. Nothing special !! BUUUT it turned out to be a 4 hours walk! Up and down and up and down. Salome and me were singing: Bob der Baumeister and Jim Block. Old children songs. After 3 hours we had a half a hour lunch break and we ate everything we had which wasnt less. As we finally arrived at the bus we were tired as and we could stand or walk anymore.
But the walk was beautiful. We didnt see any birds or other animals. But it was beautiful as. So many different flowers and trees. the landscape changed after every second corner. it was amazing. We saw New Zealands National tree. We took so many pictures and we were proud of ourselves that we managed to make this really exhausting walk!!

On our way back, the bus dropped salome and me at our old three days host families house. You remember, because of the earthquakes we didnt go to wellington for the introduction days but to nelson so we had a 3-days-hostfamily. Salome and me decided to visit them and so we did. They were reeeaaally happy to see us and we had a nice dinner and a ice talk after. Drank some tea and then Jeremy drove us back to the hostel. It was quite sad to say good bye again, but they invited us over to come in the holidays. We will defiantly take any opportunity to go there!!
We went to sleep quite late but we were happy.

The next morning we got up at 5am because our bus left at 6am. We had a long drive infront of us. 6 hours to be honest. Too long for 25 teenagers. But i wont tell anything now :) To be continued tomorrow or the day after tomorrow :)!!!  LOVE PAULA