
Summer uniform

Hey ho!
Long time no see!
New zealand is amazing!!
I cant say more its incredible! I think Oskar definatly has to go on an exchange to new zealand and to the same college!! Its so beautiful here. I have so many friends. im so happy. And when i think of me being here for 2 months already i think its far to less time. 1 year maybe sounds long, but people. its too short for an exchange. The time runs so fast when you enjoy your life!
However. This week wasnt that interesting.

Monday was school, normal. All good. It was okay. school starts to get interesting. We are doing more work. For example i have to finish my connectives work until next friday and i only have 2 out of 4 paragraphs yet. haha ill do it today, dont worry Mutti :D!

On tuesday i went home with shayla. She lives far out in the country and she and her dad have about 1.8 thousand sheep and 400 bulls or something. incredible. they so much land. its so big. their house their garden. they have 6 dogs and 2 cats. and so many little cute lambs uuugh <3 :))!!!
On tuesday afternoon i stayed the night at shaylas place because on wednesday morning we were going to go skiing with her "brother" ben (they've known each other like i know rabea) and her dad colin!
So we took a shower and went streight to bed.

Okay. we were really tired though. of course we were sleeping in the car. We, that are Shayla, her dad Colin, Ben her nearly brother and me. We drove around 4h all together. After 2 and a half we stopped at mc donalds and had breakfast :)! Tasty! We went skiing on a beautiful mountain. Our ski area's name was taupo. It was incredible, so amazing and beautiful! it looked like a dream. the land around the mountain was green and brown and then the mountain, BAM white ! So beautiful!
After 5h of driving and sleeping, eating and going to the toilet. after we lend our skiing gear we finally were on top of the mountain. it was warm. funny as. i was wearing fleece and jumpers and it was way to warm haha! The mountain was amazing, but the snow was...shit. sorry it was either icy or it was slushy snow. but no normal powder skiing snow. It was okay though. i really enjoyed it. At lunch Ben met his sister Alice and i met Mrs Ogilvie who was on the mountain for the international skitrip. So of yourse i met Ellen and Klaara the other international students. The second half of the day i skied around with ellen and klaara. It was pretty much fun.
At 4pm we had to bring our skiing gear back and ben, colin shayla and me met at the truck. we had a short tea and some muffins and cockies. Lovely :)! Then we drove back, 4h first to palmerston to pick bens sister up and then to mc donalds again for dinner. We were home around 10:30pm. We just wanted to go to bed so we quickly took a shower and fall into sleep after 2min.

We had to get up at 6:30am to catch the bus to school. it was a nice skiing day but my legs were really sore though. I was quite tired in school and me, jared and eden slept in drama because we had a study period. (study periods are pretty much: having fun with friends, talking and making snap chats)

On friday night i had a birthday party at my friends house. but before i went there Madeleine Ian lily and me had a little party at our house. Yesterday was a big event in japan. an event for the moon i think :) SO everybody invited friends over who brought some food. Then we had a big dinner. it was lovely and so much fun. i was playing the piano and lily and me danced haha! We have so much food left though! After the dinner madeleine drop me at annies house and we had an amazing birthday party. we were around 15 people and the living room was full. We had a little flashing light that totally cracked me up haha! At 11pm we were really tired from dancing and cooking and fell asleep on a big bed that was out of 10 mattresses. It was so much fun though.

So today is saturday. i had pancakes for breakfast and i came home around 2 hours ago. Im a bit tired and im drinking my 3rd tea at the moment. At 1pm ill start doing my english connectives. Its an essay about 4 different texts who have to be connected by the topic: man's incredible will to survive. Its quite interesting but i cant be bothered. ill do it anyways. it all good.

I hope you are good too. i miss you all very much. i wrote some letters though. i think they take about 1 and a half week to come from new zealand to germany :))


Last week: it was really windy. The news paper was full of articles like this ...

 On friday afternoon. Laura, Laila, Ruby, Maria and Me on our way to a cafe for breakfast :)
Me and Shayla on Tuesday afternoon :)) Cute little lammiie  

left: The mountain .. white on green. beautiful contrast.. 
right: Haha picknick on the mountain. we carried the food in our pockets and on the lifts we sometimes ate some hahahah :D
 I was so excited as we were finally at the mountain. took us 5h to go there ...


 Me Klaara and Ellen on Wednesday :) Beautiful skiing day !!

 left: Me in my summer uniform :)
up: Annie (right) and Olivia in the tattoo studio. She got her nose pierced aaaah :D

 Left: lilys and my normal after school snack, really tasty!
Up: Megan, Connor and Kodee saturday morning after the birthday :)
 Maths assignment on tuesday. It was in the assembly hall and really exciting. so much different to germany though!

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