

This post is a bit to late hehe but i was slightly busy during this time cause of cambridge exams, workbook and the actual performance hehe.

Anyway this post is about my dance performance: When the poet dreamt an angel
Its a performance together with acting and its about a family and the mothers best friend. The mother of the family dies in a car crash and its her best friends fault. As a punishment and because the father is really hurt, the best friend, Summer is not aloud to see the kids anymore.
The whole production is practically about the husband getting over the fact that his wife died
Kurz in deutsch:
Es geht darum dass er mit sich selbst den einklang findet und die tatsache akzeptiert dass seine frau tod ist. Außerdem durchleben beide, summer und der ehemann eine schreckliche und trostlose zeit.
In the end its a happy ending and everyone loves everyone.

Thats what the whole play is about.

I met some really cool friends while we had our rehearsals and im happy i participated in this production it was an experience ill never forget blablabla insert typical international experience speech here^^

Aislinn and me :)

 Crazy aislinn haha

 my sister lily and me <3

Bella, Sitty, Tom, Danica :) friends

DANICA BELLA AND AISLINN were hungry hahahha

 Tom and Sitty hahahahhahahahahah

Danica and Aislinn, cuties

Aislinn was bored hahahah

danica with glitter lips swag

aislinn and molly <3

Danica and me #duckface

me lol show make up . norries mum


So my people heheheh
i have holidays. not like normal holidays, i can sleep in every day and lily has to go to school, ian to work and madeleine just gets up early cause she feels better then. And i can sleep, sleep until 11, 12 or 1pm how long i want pretty much. Then i drink a tea, eat some weetebix with honey and banana and then go in my room and get dressed. wearing the same outfit everyday actually. sometimes i take a shower, every second day, sometimes i have to tidy up my room. then i listen to music, watch a movie, play the piano and/or learn a new song. At the moment im learning matt corby - made of stone and brother. CHECK IT OUT HES AMAZING
Then i drink another cup of tea and thats pretty much what i do all day long.
We are making plans for christmas and today we talked about me going to hang with my parents for a few days. Not very exciting haha

sometimes i hang out with my friends or we meet up and have dinner together.
one time laura maria and me went to the carterton pools, it was fun hehe

the advent calender is really cool mom and dad! I opened 6 already although its the 5th today hahahahahahah hehehehehe im a devil muhahahah

At the ctown pools with laura and maria xx

My advent calendar haha

Number 5 from my calendar, beautiful star. 

Werters original or how ever you spell it yummy. number 4 

Ian making tea yummy :)

My living room o.o beautiful

Me playing the piano. oh yeah

My room and all my photos and my cat sleeping on my bed :)

My really tidy kleiderschrank hahaha

Number 3, fav tea <3

When im bored at night hahahaha:

WHat i drew in art the other day:

My cat, shes a female and her name is bob

Some new Schmuck Ohrringe und Ringe hahahah 

Monster Ball, sorry Daddy <3 

New ring heheheheh

After a dress rehearsal for my dance performance three weeks ago

When my mum wwakes me up at 9 in the morning: 

When im bored 1.2

When the weather is gooooood:

When im with my cat and we have a photo shoot:

When i find photos from germany makes me laugh ahhaha:


When my friends and me have a photo shooting hahah:

When im bored on my way to welly: