

As the title of this post already said.
today is the last day of the holidays and pretty much everybod yis creepng put because no one wants to go back to school.
Just no no no no no no no no no no no.
Nah im just kidding im actually looking forward to school because im gonna see all my friends again and also we have three more international students and i just like school here. also i have very interesting subjects like photography, outdoor ed and sport studies and im really looking forward to them heh xoxoxo

Yesterday and the day before i stayed at my friends place Seraphine. We had two sleepovers and one with Kaitlin (: It was very funny haha.
Seraphine is one of my closest friends and she is really cool. She turn 18 in April but she actually is quite immature and childish, like her fav movies are disney movies and we giggle and laugh about every little bit and piece that crosses our way haha i love her to bits!!!

 Seraphines wall. you can draw on it with chalk its soooo cooool !!

Left up: Drinking tea haha Right up: Lily me playing cards
Left down: Me before going riding  Right down: Lily with her school material haha

Lunch at seraphines: YUMMYYYY

We imitated a famous boy group called the Jonas Brothers Hahaha we are so pretty !!!

Seraphine (left) imitated Lorde (right) with her dog Oscar (left) so cute haha !!

 We made dessert. Melted chocolate, melted marshmellows and then dipped bananas and cockies in it.